Saturday, August 18, 2012

Some random opinions and beliefs

People do not always say what they feel. Perhaps because of guilt, fantasy, attempts not to hurt others,  or low self esteem. 

"The truth will set you free" is not just a saying. 

Emotional pain seems to increase with age. does confusion. 

God is the one thing that is consistent for me. He does what is best for me though I rarely understand it at the time. 

Love and lack of trust will make rational humans do things they never thought they would. 

The longer I live the more complex life and people seem. 

Responsibility will make people live in misery and endure an unhappy life more than anything else. 

Low self esteem is shown when people cannot or will not tell their true feelings to all in fear of rejection. 

People that can influence are much more powerful than those who know how to do something correctly.

Love is when you can be yourself even if you are irrational and unpleasant and know the person will open their arms and hug you while whispering that all will be ok. 

God will forgive you for being human aka stupid if you are truly sorry and ask for strength not to make the same mistake. 

Humans seem to be the only animal that has to learn by their own mistakes instead of learning from others. For whatever reason we feel we are different. We are not and this inability along with our humanity, and insistence to have power over others will be our destruction. 

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